Neil Gupta

My Dream Tool for Remote 1:1 Meetings

315 words • 2 minutes to read

As our collective remote work experience continues, it’s been interesting watching my girlfriend adapt her 1:1’s with her direct reports to work better remotely. She’s using a shared OneNote file to track agenda, notes, and action items in one place. It works well, but things get lost easily. As I listened to her work this morning, I quickly sketched my ideal tool for managing remote meetings…

My Sketch

Collaborative Agenda

Of course, the shared notes in the center would be collaborative like Google Docs. Both people can add topics to the agenda beforehand and take notes during the meeting.


Not pictured in my sketch, but the tool should also have the option to record audio during the meeting. The notes should sync with the audio, so you can go back and listen to what was being said when something was typed.

Action Items

Any line from your notes can be turned into an action item and assigned to either person, adding it to their action items list. An action item can be given a due date if you want. When an item is marked as completed, it is automatically added to the bottom of the next agenda so it can be reviewed. It’s also added to the next agenda if the due date passes without completion.

Action items persist between meetings until resolved, so they don’t get lost to the annals of time.


The action items should integrate with your preferred todo app, so that you can keep using your existing workflow for managing your day and not have yet another project management tool. The goal is to facilitate remote collaboration without forcing you to change your behavior.

Also, you would be able to add agenda or action items via Slack, of course.

Does this tool already exist? I’d love to know about it!

Written on April 7, 2020 in Chicago.